This captivating documentary showcases the work and life of Celia Dropkin, one of the greatest Yiddish poets renowned for her erotic poetry that both scandalized and delighted readers during the 1920s and 30s. Considered a radical figure during her lifetime, Dropkin fearlessly explored themes of desire, passion, and physical sensuality in her writing, leaving an indelible mark on literature.

Miami Jewish Film Festival
Miami Jewish Film Festival

In this film, powerful dramatic readings, archival footage, historic recordings, and dazzling animations bring her pioneering poems to life.

The film also shares excerpts from her letters and unpublished memoir, revealing intimate secrets. Her seductive writing ultimately provided a model for future generations of Jewish-American artists.

San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

Her poetry is described with adjectives such as “shocking” and “seductive,” though perhaps the biggest shock is how modern much of this poetry sounds a century on.

As well as painting a portrait of a trailblazing, lesser-known poet, “Page” provides fascinating insight into New York Yiddish culture in the 1920s.

Adrian Hennigan, Haaretz
Adrian Hennigan, Haaretz

She serves as an inspiration to current musicians—such as Frank London of The Klezmatics—who have set her poetry to music, the film demonstrates why Celia Dropkin’s work is deserving of a revival.

Toronto Jewish Film Festival
Toronto Jewish Film Festival

Burning Off The Page:
The Life and Art of Celia Dropkin, an Erotic Yiddish Poet

Yiddish writer Celia Dropkin (1887 – 1956) both shocked and delighted New York literary society of the 1920s and 1930s with her poetic depictions of the passions, yearnings, exaltations and celebration of the body.

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Rebellion. Outrage. Love. Longing. Lust.

Celia defiantly shattered the conventions of gender, sexuality and moral code.

The legacy of one of the greatest Yiddish poets has been buried by time and repression obscuring one central fact. Celia’s work expands not only what it means to be a sexual being and Jewish but to be utterly, shamelessly human.

WHERE TO WATCH Burning Off The Page

  • Toronto Jewish Film Festival
    June 11 2023

  • Temple Adas Israel, Sag Harbor
    July 12 2023

  • San Fran Jewish Film Festival
    July 27 2023

  • Australia Jewish Film Festival
    Oct/Nov 2023

  • Centre Film Festival
    Oct/Nov 2023

  • Santa Barbara Jewish Film Festival
    November 1 2023

  • “MAHJ” Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme in Paris
    January 31 2024

  • Miami Jewish Film Festival
    January 2024

  • Boca Raton International Jewish Film Fest
    Feb-March 2024